Monday, February 20, 2012

eBook Distribution the Bookhitch Way

Today’s technologies are reshaping the publishing landscape with eBook sales expecting to rise to $36 billion in 2015.  New companies have emerged on the scene offering various eBook services, but the business model still mimics the system set-up for print books by utilizing a middleman in the distribution channel.  In an earlier blog, we asked the question, “Why shouldn’t the publisher just use a service to sell its downloaded books, and keep that distribution margin?”  Or, publishers and authors can offer direct-to-reader distribution by selling titles from their own websites. 

One viable option is to list titles on a book portal such as, which was conceived primarily as a sales funnel to direct the profits into the pockets of publishers and authors.  The comparison chart below gives a visual explanation of how monies are divided in the traditional distribution model verses the bookhitch model.  

It is easy to add titles to the bookhitch search engine.
  • Create an account by registering as an author or publisher
o        For Mass Uploads of multiple titles, publishers can use this form, and send it as an attachment to