Thursday, May 1, 2014

Will your print materials be at the right locations on the right days?

Companies necessarily invest much time, effort and money to research, write, organize and complete training workbooks, HR manuals, instructional booklets and corporate procedural guidelines. But, if they are not where they need to be and not in front of the correct audience, at the appropriate time, they do not serve their intended purpose to teach, train and inform employees, customers and clients.
Even in today's digital environment, with the proliferation of online training courses and digital program modules, printed books, manuals and workbooks are necessary and essential to communicate sensitive and proprietary company information to its different audiences. 

Faced with the need to print and distribute such materials with tight timeframes and diverse logistical requirements, digital printing can efficiently and effectively meet the challenges that creating and distributing printed materials can produce:

l        Print-on-Demand - allows the printing of books, binders and manuals as few as one at a time and only when an order is placed. 
l        Cost effectiveness - with virtually no upfront pre-press costs, small print runs are cost effective. Traditional printing services have always required quotas or minimum orders when you used their services. However, because of the flexibility of digital printing, these financial boundaries do not exist.
l        Short Runs - digital printing is ideal for short-to-medium runs. Digital data is easily stored and updated; therefore changes can be easily accommodated. Digital printing allows more effective print management: there's no need for large inventories and no need to dump out of date stock.   
l        Speed - digital presses can be set up quickly and are capable of enabling next day or even same day delivery.
l        Personalization - each book, binder or manual can be personalized to include unique content and personalized materials.
To make more efficient the entire printing and distribution process, print document management companies such as NetPublications, Inc. offer a complete document management solution by combining printing, binding, storage, fulfillment and distribution in one facility, with one point of contact.

As a result, companies can focus on the businesses that make them successful and know that the printing and dissemination of their important and sensitive training, human resources and other corporate printed documents will be properly managed.

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